A Short KS1 Writing unit based on the popular children’s picture book: The Pirates Next Door.
The unit inspires quality, structured writing that meets the new KS1 writing KPis at Expected and Greater Depth Level
The unit covers:
Reading phase: inferring a character’s thoughts and actions
Writing with a clear purpose and viewpoint
Organising related ideas into sections and paragraphs
short openings and endings
past tense regular and irregular verbs
using capital letters for proper nouns
I started this unit with drama - getting into the role of the villagers and focusing on their viewpoint. How were they feeling when the Pirates arrived in town? Why were most villagers angry? What did they think? say?
Then they completed the reading inference speech bubbles for 2 different character viewpoints. (see example)
Then I held a council meeting for the residents of ‘Dull-On-Sea’ and the children were given a format to record the ‘notes of the meeting’
From the notes- they used a structured letter template to create a letter to the council complaining about the Pirates’ arrival.
This was highly successful and created fantastic letters with clear viewpoints.
The pack includes:
1x character though bubble recording sheet
1x example speech bubbles inferring a character viewpoint
1x template for council notes recording sheet
1x letter to council template/structured support sheet
1x word mat containing regular past tense verbs and character names from the book to support spelling.
Powepoint for guided group work- exploring which phrases are preferable for persuassive writing.
utube videolink for the audio book (free link via utube)
Fun and Creative Valentine’s Day Activity Booklet for children.
Includes word search, colouring pages, card templates, Acrostic poetry, cake design, word challenge and more.
Akimbo and The Lions Reading Comprehension Tasks based on the NEW Reading Curriculum Lower KS2
4x comprehension sheets based on the novel.
Aimed at Lower KS2 modelling the new curriculum standards.